
Oferta EFOMP dla członków naszego Towarzystwa, którzy wybierają się do Wiednia na ESR. Polecamy! (komunikat po angielsku)

Oferta EFOMP dla członków naszego Towarzystwa, którzy wybierają się do Wiednia na ESR. Polecamy! (komunikat po angielsku)

Dear Colleagues,

If you  are attending ECR or a member of an NMO and happen to be in Vienna on Thursday 29th Feb 2024 19:00-2130, the EFOMP ECR 2024 Physics Subcommittee invite you to an Irish social evening with table quiz and finger food . Please bring the printed or eticket with you as it will get you a free drink (alcoholic or non alcoholic) on the night. We have been kindly supported by EFOMP, ESR, with contributions from Amray Europe (www.amray.eu ) and Hospital Services Limited Ireland (www.hsl.ie). There is Karaoke on at the same venue directly after open to the public. We look forward to you relaxing after many hours of excellent physics contributions in ECR 2024!!

To register and find out more details, please use the following link;


This year our session at ECR is dedicated to Artificial Intelligence so please be sure to attend. https://connect.myesr.org/course/artificial-intelligence-ai-what-you-need-to-know-do-and-say/

We will have a booth in the International Village during the Congress so please be sure to drop by and say hello. Please share this email with your physics colleagues attending ECR this year.

Kind Regards,

Efi Koutsouveli

Paddy Gilligan

Lucie Súkupová